Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hometown Hero: Jacksonville native Petty Officer 3rd Class Ashanti Holland

By.Seaman Oscar Pichardo

USS KEARSARGE- Raised in Jacksonville, Florida, Petty Officer 3rd Class Ashanti Holland wanted to travel and better herself, so Holland enlisted into the Navy in 2018. Holland is currently at their second command serving as a quartermaster aboard the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge.

Quartermasters are primarily responsible for the safe navigation of the ship, and stand watch as assistants to navigators along with Officers of the Deck. They serve as helmsmen and perform ship control, navigation and bridge watch duties.

Holland was an undesignated seaman for their first three years in the fleet. The Navy Undesignated Program allows sailors to gain Seaman Apprenticeship through on-the-job training.

“My proudest accomplishment in the Navy was when I, being undesignated, chose the greatest rate in the Navy,” said Holland.

Quartermasters help maintain a constant state of readiness by consulting navigation charts and maintain functionality of all navigation-related equipment and tools.

“We do training as much as we can, so we don’t lose what we already know,” said Holland.“Trainings tie in with Morse code, chart projections, navigational aids and the deck log.”

Holland’s younger sisters have shown interest about the quartermaster rate and are contemplating on taking the ASVAB to see their eligibility to join.

“It means a lot to me because my younger sisters look up to me every day,” said Holland.“They see me as a hero and that makes me happy.”

Holland is now working on her qualifications for Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist, a qualification that awards her a pin upon completion.