Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Merritt Island native serves aboard future Navy warship

By Chief Mass Communication Specialist Joe Rullo, Navy Office of Community Outreach

MAYPORT, Fla. - Petty Officer 2nd Class John Sullivan, a native of Merritt Island, Florida, serves aboard Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) Nantucket, in Mayport, Florida.
Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class
James Green,

PCU is a designation used by the U.S. Navy to describe crews aboard vessels under construction prior to official commissioning.

Sullivan, a 2012 graduate of Merritt Island High School, joined the Navy 10 years ago.

“I joined the Navy to travel and see difference cultures,” said Sullivan. "I also wanted to continue a family tradition of service. My father served 22 years in the Air Force."

Today, Sullivan relies upon skills and values similar to those found in Merritt Island to succeed in the military.

“My hometown has taught me to respect others and treat people with kindness as much as you can,” said Sullivan. "I want to be a positive influence on others."

These lessons have helped Sullivan while serving in the Navy.

Nantucket will be a fast, optimally-manned, mission-tailored surface combatant that operates in near-shore and open-ocean environments, according to Navy officials. Littoral combat ships integrate with joint, combined, manned and unmanned teams to support forward-presence, maritime security, sea control, and deterrence missions around the globe.

Littoral combat ships are hybrid surface combatants that lead manned-unmanned teams using unmanned aerial systems like the Fire Scout and Expeditionary Ordnance Disposal forces unmanned underwater vehicles. They conduct forward and maritime security missions like the Secretary of Defense Oceania Maritime Security Initiative. The ships also strengthen partnerships through port visits in small island nations like Tahiti and Fiji due to their shallow-depth hull.

According to Navy officials, the path to becoming an LCS sailor is unique and challenging. The culmination of their 18-month training pipeline, sailors qualify on a virtual reality simulator that is nearly identical to the ship. This intense and realistic training pipeline allows sailors to execute their roles and responsibilities immediately upon stepping on board.

With 90 percent of global commerce traveling by sea and access to the internet relying on the security of undersea fiber optic cables, Navy officials continue to emphasize that the prosperity of the United States is directly linked to trained sailors and a strong Navy.

"Our mission remains timeless - to provide our fellow citizens with nothing less than the very best Navy: fully combat ready at all times, focused on warfighting excellence, and committed to superior leadership at every single level," said Adm. Mike Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations. "This is our calling. And I cannot imagine a calling more worthy."

Serving in the Navy means Sullivan is part of a team that is taking on new importance in America’s focus on strengthening alliances, modernizing capabilities, increasing capacities and maintaining military readiness in support of the National Defense Strategy.

“The Navy supports national defense by being a positive influence around the world to both our allies and adversaries,” said Sullivan.

Sullivan and the sailors they serve with have many opportunities to achieve accomplishments during their military service.

“I'm proud of the 10 years I've served,” said Sullivan. "I didn't think I would make it this far and I can't wait to see what the next 10 years will bring."

As Sullivan and other sailors continue to train and perform missions, they take pride in serving their country in the United States Navy.

“Serving to me is a great honor,” said Sullivan. "I am proud to be able to put the uniform on every day."

Sullivan is grateful to others for helping make a Navy career possible.

“My parents, John and Cecilia Sullivan, are two of the biggest influences in my life,” said Sullivan. "I wouldn't be here without them."

“I got to attend the maritime academy for two years,” added Sullivan. "It was an experience that has really helped me in my Navy job."