Thursday, July 13, 2023

Milwaukee native returns home for Navy Week

: Augustin Juarez

High School (year graduated): West Allis Central (2004)

Rank: Chief Petty Officer

Rating (job): Information systems technician

Years in Navy: 15

Current Duty Location: Naval Computer and Telecommunication Station Bahrain

Reason for joining the Navy: Travel the world. “I always wanted to see the coast and the ocean,” said Juarez. “The first time I saw the Atlantic Ocean, I fell in love with the view.”

Favorite part of job: Meeting new people and making everlasting friendships. “As I do my job in the military, it’s the people who I remember the most because they are the life behind all the work,” said Juarez. “There are so many different people from different walks of life, and it’s fascinating to learn things you wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to learn in the civilian sector.”

Memories of hometown: “I miss my friends and family,” said Juarez. “I remember cruising highway 100 with friends, going midnight bowling at AMF Bowling Alley, driving past the old Miller brewery and smelling the yeast, enjoy beer brats at Miller stadium, frozen custard from Leon’s Frozen Custard and enjoying fish fries from any restaurant on Fridays. There is no other place like home."

Shoutout: “To all my friends and family in Milwaukee and across the neighboring areas, I miss and love you all,” said Juarez. “Special shoutout to my home team, the Green Bay Packers. Go Pack go!