Thursday, July 6, 2023

Wonewoc native returns to Wisconsin for Milwuakee Navy Week

: Allen Keller

Hometown: Wonewoc, Wisconsin

Rank: Petty Officer 2nd Class

Rating (job): Electronics Technician

Years in Navy: Nine

Current Duty Location: Historic Ship Nautilus

Reason for joining Navy: “I joined the Navy to get work experience, have college paid for and see places I otherwise would not have,” said Keller.

Favorite part of job: “My favorite part of my job as a ship keeper at the HS Nautilus is being able to connect with the general public about their relationship with the Navy,” said Keller.

Hometown lessons: “Growing up in a small town I learned what it meant to have a sense of community,” said Keller. “This helped when serving onboard submarines which have a crew of approximately 150 or less individuals.”

Proudest accomplishment: “I am most proud of being named Junior Sailor of the Year at my command,” said Keller. “I also take pride in seeing the education plans I have created come to fruition as those I teach it to take the message with them.”

Navy contribution: “The Navy contributes to defense by staying ready to protect commerce and international rights to navigate the sea for all parties foreign and domestic,” said Keller.

Naval service: “Serving in the Navy means that I am serving a representative for the past, present and future of this historic ranch of the Navy,” said Keller. “It is an honor to be amongst this elite group.”