Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Chapel Hill Native Receives Second Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal

By Robin Holland, Training Support Center Hampton Roads Public Affairs Officer

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Operations Specialist Petty Officer 2nd Class Audrey McCulloch, a native of Chapel Hill, Tennessee, recently received her second Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal from Capt. Matthew Rick, Training Support Center Hampton Roads (TSCHR), Commanding Officer, at an all hands awards ceremony, NAS Oceana Dam Neck Annex.
Capt. Matthew Rick congratulates Operations Specialist 2nd
Class Audrey McCulloch (right) with Navy and Marine Corps
Achievement Medal. 

“When you meet her, you'll know there's something special about her," said Lynwood Hardy, supervisor of TSCHR Management Team. "From her sense of confidence, leadership, to undoubtedly her professional tone in the workplace, Petty Officer McCulloch is not your average sailor. She has a remarkable work ethic and her expertise is of the absolute highest. She clearly demonstrates leadership, resourcefulness and managerial skills and she instills pride into the people who work with her, eliciting their best efforts in all situations. She is a congenial young woman who has exceptional energy, talent and enthusiasm, as well as the inherent ability to make the difficult decisions. Her knowledge and customer service skills make her a valuable asset to the TSCHR Norfolk Student Management Team."

McCulloch has been stationed at TSCHR since Sept. 2018 and was handpicked to track the status of over 500 Sailors.

“She was appointed as a holding company supervisor and has done her exceptional best to live up to the expectations that accompany that title,” Hardy said.

McCulloch has been in the Navy since Nov. 2014. She is the daughter of Kerrie and Timothy French of Chapel Hill, Tennessee.